September 2013

September 2013

 Saturday 28.09.2013
4bbb stab.
M.Minz & C.Halpin 49pts. R/Up.S.Noble & W.Robinson 48pts ocb.
Ball r/down
2 R.Hunter 423 cms.F.Parnell 77cms.2nd shot. 9.T.Stanford 85 cms.K.Hanly 31 cms 2nd shot.Ladies R.Wass 131 cms.2nd shot.11.A.Kraschnefski 191 cms. F.Parnell 750 cms. 15.C.Bath 142 cms.Jill Soppa 89 cms.
6.Men J.Soppa 221 cms.Ladies M.Boonstoppell 140 cms.
Saturday 5.10.2013.Single stroke monthly mug.Top 8 gross scores qualify for open match play

Tuesday 24.09.2013
Single Stableford
Winners, Ladies : P. Lane 40 . Men : B. Mack 37.
Runners -up Ladies R. Wass 39 (ocb), Men: G. Johnson 36 (ocb)
Ball Rundown: D. Smith 39, B. Wellings 39, D. Stanley 38, S. Erith 38, L. Allan 37, J. Heath 37, B. Moore 37,J. Demmery 36, B. Hutton 36, B. Guest 36.
Most Use of Course :Ladies, D. Norris , Men J. Stanford
N.T. P. No.2 P. Lane 321cm, D. Miller 143cm No. 9 D. Norris 359 cm (2nd Shot) No. 11 L. Allan 388 cm, J. Demmery 452 cm
No. 15 D. Johnson 130 cm (2nd Shot)
Next week Monthly Medal Single Stroke. Rolling start from 8 a.m.

Saturday 21.09.2013

Rosewood Open Single stroke.
Gross winner.T.Avenell 76. Best nett div1.P.Soloman 79/65 r/up div1.P.Cannan 84/67.2nd r/up.D.Hollands 68. ocb.
Best nett div 2. D.Bourne r/up div. J.Demmery div.2.2nd r/up. K.Rorie
Mens most use of course.G.Noble.
Ladies Gross winner E.Nelson 85. Nett winner J.Smith 91/64. R/Up S.Hiese.
Most use of course.L.Smith.
N.T.P.2.B.Preston 118 cms.E.Nelson in hole 2nd shot.9 A.Riedel 116
cms.A.Brown 6 cms.11.O.Schmidt 112 cms.E.Nelson in hole 15.D.Hastie 165
cms.J.Smith.25 cms.
Approach (3) Men T.Crisp 84 cms.Ladies.E.Nelson 42 cms.
Ball r/down.Men 70. Ladies 74.
Lisa Smith won Nancy Cameron shield.
Field 119.
Junior (a)Winners on a tie M.Mildren 55/30 & L.Else 56/30.R/Up T.Brown
Junior (b) D.Browning 70/32. r/up N.Browning 73/34.
Sub junior B.Else 33/15. r/up C.Little.
Pee Wees.D.Ive 22/2. r/up R/Ive 39/7 & P.Emblem.

Tuesday 17.09.2013
Single Stableford
Winners: Div. 1 M. Woodrow 39 Div. 2 M. McCaffrey 39
Runners-up: Div. 1 S. Morgan 33 (ocb)Div.2 B. Wellings 37
Ball Rundown: S. Heise 34, R. Wass 33, I. Hoens 33, L. Allan 32, P. Hume 32, J. Cook 32
Men: Winner: G. Noble 39, Runner-up E. McCaffrey.
N. T. P. No. 9 E Whiteing (2nd Shot) 57cm No. 11 M. McCaffrey 411 cm No. 15 J. Heath (2nd Shot) in Hole.
Next week 24.09.13 Final event of Carnival of Golf. Single Stableford Men and Ladies Contact Club to enter.

Saturday 14.09.2013
Single Stableford
div 1.G.Johnson 42 pts. 1st r/up div 1.M.Panzram 41 pts. 2nd r/up div 1.J.Piccini 40 pts ocb.
Winner div 2.K.Davey 50 pts. 1st r/up div 2.W.Allan 44 pts. 2nd r/up div 2 L.Sawtell 43 pts ocb.
Ladies Winner.J.Smith.43 pts. 1st r/up.L.Sheraton 40 pts. 2nd r/up.A.Smyly 39 pts ocb.
Ball r/down Men 38. Ladies 37.
N.T.P. 2.J.Young 114 cms. S.Morgan 49 cms 2nd shot. 9.A.Mcneill Hole in one. K.Davey in hole 2nd shot. S.Morgan 113 cms.
11.K.Davey 316 cms. J.Morgan 16cms.15.D.Sheraton 86 cms.J.heath 361 cms.2nd shot.
Accuracy drive Men T.Maroske.Ladies M.Woodrow.

Tuesday 10.09.2013
American Foursomes

Winners D. Stanford & L. Hill 70 1/2 Runners-up : P. Rogers & W. Scott 72
Ball Rundown L. Sheraton & B. Mack 73 1/8, A. Newham & P. Lane 74 1/2, D. Smith & B. Wellings 74 5/8
N.T.P. No.2 M. Boonstoppel 652cm No. 9 P. Minz 76 cm (2nd shot) No. 11 A. Brown 397 cm No. 15 D. Stanford & L Hill (2nd Shot)
Single Stableford Winner K. Rogers 36, Runner-up D. Sheraton 33
Next week 17/9/13 single Stableford Don’t forget Carnival of Golf Events: Monday 16/9/13 Vets, Tuesday 24/9/13 Single Stableford for Men and Ladies.

Saturday 07.09.2013
Single stroke & putting comp.
Winner (div) T.Crisp 82/67 ocb. R/Up W Boyle 83/67/ocb.
Winner (div )
P.Moran 88/64. R/Up M.George 87/65.
Ladies Winner
M.Boonstoppel 90/71 R/Up  A. Brown 87/72.
A.Kraschnefski 373. 9.R.Graham 28 cms .B.Hutton 209 cms.2nd shot.
11.T.Hines 238 cms. 15.W.Allan.416 cms.J.ill Soppa 191.
(6) men P.Cannan 190cms.L S.Morgan 68 cms.
Ball r/down men 72.  ladies.76. Gross winner
P.Preston 81.
Putting comp.
Mr putter D.Hollands &G.Wylie 26 putts. Mrs putter E.Nelson 25
Saturday 14th Single stab carnival of golf day.
Saturday 21st carnival of golf open day. All players with handicaps welcome.

Tuesday 03.09.2013

Single Stroke Monthly Medal
Winners Div. 1 : S. Erith 94/67 Div. 2 :P. Lane 94/ 66
Runner-up Div. 1: E. Phillips 93/72 Div. 2: P. Hume 101/68
Ball Rundown : E. Kelly 70, W. Scott 70, B. Wellings 71, D. Stanley 73, J. Browning 73, A. Smyly 74, S. Morgan 74, J. Soppa 74
Putting competition : B. Mack, M. Boonstoppel, E. Phillips all 28 putts
N. T. P. No.2 A. Brown 933 cm No. 9 S. Roderick 32 cm( 2nd shot) No. 11 W. Scott 84 cm (Eagles’ Nest) No. 15 S. Erith in the hole (2nd shot)
Next week: American Foursomes. Carnival Week September 24 Men and Ladies Single Stableford – Time-sheet at club.

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