January 2015

January 2015

Saturday 31/1/15.
Single Stab.
Winner div 1 P.Kuhn 44pts, R/Up.P.Robb 39pts o.c.b.
Winner div 2 G.Wylie 41 pts, R/Up.E.Wright 41pts
Ladies winner S.Heise 34 pts, R/Up J.Heath 33pts.
No2. J.Young 109 cms, Liz Nelson 51 cmm 2nd shot.
No9. R.Winrow 0cms, Leona Sheraton 250 cms 2nd shot
No11 L.Hayne 375 cms.
No15 L.Smith 109 cms.
Approach No12, A.Bailey 805 cms.
Ball r/down – Men 37, Ladies 30
Eagle 13th Jamie Soppa.
Next game Saturday 7/2/15.Monthly Mug.
Juniors commence back on 14th February – Hit off back nine, arrive at 7.20 to hit off at 7.30 – no later.

Monday 26/1/2015
4 BBB Stab, Australia day cup.
Winners: E.Wright & R.Winrow 43 pts
R/UP: P.Frazer & J.Piccini 41 pts.
No2: R.Roberts 707 cms.
No9: Gloria Molly 307 cms.
No11: P.Frazer 309 cms.
No15: Glenis.Morris 68 cms.
Ball r/down to 40 pts

Saturday 24/1/15
Single Stab, Field 34
Winner: M.Augustine 37 pts.
R/Up: D.Butterfield 34 o.c.b.
Ball r/down to 32.
No2: G.Maxwell 401 cms, Sandy Heise 250 2nd shot
No11: J.Osborne 326 cms.
All clubs in Morton District should have received flyers for the Rosewood
open to be held on the 28/2/2015.
Early registration is advised. If you did not receive a flyer please contact
club on 54641201.

Saturday 17/1/15
4.B.B.B STAB, Field 82.
Winners: A.Timperley & R.Lee 49 pts o.c.b.
R/Up: D.Green & N.Green 49 pts.
No2: D.Green 223 cms, Jill Smith 110 cms
No9: D.Green 261 cms R.Hunter 24 cms, Lisa Smith 736 cms
No11: L.Solomon 262 cms, Jill Soppa 700cms
No15: C.Bath 371 cms, Jill Soppa 379 cms
Approach No5: M.Augustine 84 cms, J.Heath 163 cms.
Ball r/down to 45.

Saturday 10/1/2015
Single stab. Field 84.
Winner Div 1: R.Graham 43 pts o.c.b, r/up John Maxwell 43 pts.
Winner Div 2: S Volller 42 pts, r/up C.Payne 41 pts.
Ladies Winner: J.Heath 39pts R/up. S.Morgan 36pts.
No2. E.Nelson 63 cms.
No9. S.Voller hole in one. J.Smith 22cms.
No11. G.Maxwell 308 cms, E.Nelson 300 cms
No15. J.Young 410cms, J.Heath 539cms.
Approach: 14th Men John Maxwell, Ladies L.Smith 60 cms.
Ball r/down Men 36, Ladies to 28.
Next game 17/1/15, 4BBB stab.
*Congratulations* Shane Voller – hole in one 9th hole

Saturday 3/1/14.
Single Stroke Monthly Mug, 88 Players
Winners: Div 1. J.Soppa 81/67, Div 2. M.Brown 94/69.
R/Up: Div 1. J.Collins 79/68. Div 2. I.Longworth 90/70
Ladies. Winner S.Heise 103/76. R/Up J.Smith 102/80
Ball R/Down Ladies to 85. Mens to 73
No2. I Longworth 135 cms. J.Browning 135 cms.
No9. 0/8 J.Thorton 625 cms, 19/36 M.Brown 120 cms. S.Morgan.172 cms.
No11. L.Smith 324 cms, J.Buckley 247 cms
No15. C.Bath 7.94 cms. D. Stanford 431 cms.
Mrs putter J.Smith 33 putts. Mr putter J.Thornton & J.Young 26 putts.
Approach. No16.L.Sheraton 437 cms, M.Brown 364 cms.
Best gross P.Gibson 78

Thursday 1/1/15
Hangover Cup, Single Stab.
Winner: M.Brown 39pts
R/Up: V.Gibbons 38 o.c.b.
Ball r/down to 35.
No2. – D.Green 575 cms.
No11. – D.Butterfield 523 cms.

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