Thursday 18 Hole Comp, April 2017
27th of April, 2017:
Winner: B Yates 33pts
Pins: No. 2 – G Doyle 1150cm
No. 11 – B Yates 825cm
20th of April, 2017:
Winner: S Gardner 42pts
R/Up: M Rostron 39pts
R/Down: R Ala-Outinen 38pts
Pins: No. 9 – O Schmidt 915cm
No. 15 – R Johnson 390cm
13th of April, 2017:
Winner: B Richards 38pts
R/Up: S Gardner 36pts
R/Down: R Johnson 35pts
Pins: No. 2 – R Johnson 1030cm
No. 11 – R Johnson 240cm
6th of April, 2017:
Winner: R Ala-Outinen 38pts
R/Up: S Nichols 33pts
R/Down: S Daunt 32pts, G Doyle 32pts
Pins: No. 9 – E Skinner –
No. 15 – S Gardner 400cm