November 2016
Saturday 26/11/2016
2 Person Ambrose
Winners M.Voller & D.Hollands 61.3/4 R/up J.Young & B.Donald 63/25
2.T.Ross 245 cms Jill Smith 430 cms 9.J.Demmery in hole 1st shot.Jill Smith 138 cms 2nd shot 11.S.Voller 50 cms. Lisa Smith 338 cms 15.T.Stanford 182 cms.Lisa Smith 326 cms Jim Demmery Hole in one 9th hole Congratulations Jim.
Approach 17.Men T.Ross 196 cms. Ladies Jill Smith 215 cms Ball r/down to 66.1/2 Single stab winner I.Longworth 40 pts R/up R.Hunter Juniors championships
9 Hole gross champion Dean Browning
9 Hole nett champion Tim Wilson.
Junior 5 hole gross champion Nicholos Sullivan
5 Hole nett champion Deakin Emblem
Encouragement awards.
Mckenzie Emblem, Sarah Bailey, Layla Emblem, Nicholos Sullivan, Mat Bailey, Nicholos Ryan, Tim Wilson, Deakin Emblem, Toby Graham, Dean Browning,
Golfer of the year
Deakin Emblem
Saturday 12/11/2016
2 Person Ambrose.
Winners M.Volller &D.Hollands 65.5 ocb R/up W.Johnston & L.Smith 65.5
Ball r/down to 68.5
2)T.Brown 284 cms.M.Boonstoppel 24 cm. 2nd shot 9)M.Voller 5cms 2nd shot.E.Nelson 232 cms 2nd shot 11)J.Demmery 180 cms M.Boonstoppel 883 cms 15)R.Ellison 295 cms.J.Heath 93 cms 2nd shot Approach (3)Men J.Young 410 cms 2nd shot. Ladies S.Morgan 116 3rd shot
Tuesday 08/11/2016
2 Persons Ambrose.
Winners: J.Browning & M.Gibson 85/72
B.R.D: B.Mack & S.Heise , S.Erith & L.Sheraton.
No 2: D.Norris & M.Boonstoppel 29cm.
No 9: M.Gibson & J.Browning 23cm.
No 11: S.Heise & B.Mack 110cm..
No 15: P.Gibbons & J.Heath in hole.
Saturday 05/11/2016
Winners Div1 Mens M.Clem 86/68 Div2 M.Voller 87/64 Ladies E.Nelson 79/70
Runnersup Div1 Mens S.Browning 85/69 Div2 P.Johnston 86/66 Ladies S.Morgan 101/71
Rundown Mens to 72nett Ladies to73nett
No2 G.Crouch 277cm D.Stanford 2nd shot 74cm
No9 19-36 J.Hunter 2nd shot 48cm E.Nelson 2nd shot 100cm
No11 J.Middap 148cm
No15 A.Timperley 826cm A.Finch 762cm
Approaches No1 J.Young 2nd shot 710cm E.Nelson 3rd shot 51cm
Best Gross G.Maxwell 80 Mr Putter M.Clem 24 Mrs Putter E.Nelson 24
Mug of Mug winners Mens Div1 S.Browning 69nett Div2 J. Middap 69nett Ladies E.Nelson 70nett
Tuesday 01/11/2016
Melbourne Cup Day. Texas Four Ball.
Winners: J.Gilbert , W.Hill , M.Butler & P.Johnston.156pts. Runners-up: L & D. Sheraton , S.Erith & M.Boonstoppel.142pts.
B.R.D: J , W ,S & A. Browning , S.Morgan , B.Albion , B & B.Mack.
N.T.P: Ladies Men
No 2: L.Sheraton in hole D.Sheraton 26cm
No 9: M.Boonstoppel 228cm B.Mack 136cm
No 11: M.Boonstoppel 71cm A.Browning 47cm
No 15: S.Morgan 25cm D.Sheraton 61cm
Funny Line:
No 6: P.Brown P.Johnston
Most use of Course: S.Heise , P.Brown , J.Demmery & D.Macklin.