April 2017

April 2017

Saturday 29th of April, 2017:

4BBB  Aggregate Stableford:

Winners:   O.Schmidt & R.Johnson 78pts    R/Ups:- R.Lee/A.Timperley

R/Ups:       R.Lee & A.Timperley 77pts


2)   Men’s:  G Maxwell 880  cm

        9)   Men’s: (0-18) J Young 321cm,    (19-36) E.Wright 39cm,   Ladies 2nd shot:    E.Nelson in hole

        11)   Men’s:    I.Henry 242cm

        15)   Men’s:    (0-18) P.Smollen 136cm,    (19-36) J.Daniels 2nd shot in hole,   Ladies:  E.Nelson 131cm

Approach No6 Men: (0-18)  W.Heath 381cm,   (19-36) T Maroske 63cm,    Ladies:- E Nelson 323 cm

Ball Rundown to 74pts


Tuesday 25th of April, 2017:

Anzac day golf results, Sponsored by Ex-Service personnel.

Winners:                J.Piccini & B.Sheraton 46 ocb

R/up:                      V.Gibbons & B.Richards 46 pts


2)    V.Gibbons 1500 cms

9)    Jill Smith 15 cms

11)   S.Browning 830 cms

15)  W.Crouch in hole 2nd shot

All player won a ball & they can be picked up from the Captain’s office.


Saturday 22nd of April, 2017:

Mixed four-ball stroke championships:

Winners: J.Young & A.Finch 63

R/up: P.Johnston & J.Smith 64 ocb

Single stab:

Div 1:

Winner:  D.Green 42 pts

r/up:  M.Dance 39 ocb

Div 2:

winner:  W.Robinson 38pts

R/up:  G.Wylie 36pts


2)  M.Clem 1550cm,    Ladies B.Else 210cm

9)  R.Robertson 236cm,  Ladies  A.Finch 368cm 

11)  M.Clem 125cm,    Ladies A.Finch 609cm

15)  0/18 D.Hartman 82cm,  19/36 G.Wylie 53 cm,  Ladies B Else 25cm

Approach 12)   G.Maxwell 712 cm,    Ladies E.Nelson 97 cm

Ball r/down 38

Saturday 29/4/2017 4bbb agg stableford

Saturday 6/5/2017 m/mug/ & 1st rnd club championships.


Saturday 15th of April, 2017

Mens Division 1:

Winner:  R Stagg 41pts                            

Runner-Up:  J Buckley 40 pts

Mens Division 2:

Winner:  A Huntley 45pts

Runner-Up:  T Norris 38pts


Winner:  M Gibson 32 pts



No  2: A Bailey 379cm

       No 9:  I Pengelly 160cm

               No 11:  A Barry 392 cm

               No 15:  J Buckley 8 cm

                            D Butterfield 2nd shot 112cm


No 2:  S Heise  266cm

No 9:  no one

No 11:  J Heath 1190 cm

No 15:  M.Gibson 297cm

Mens Approach No 3:  A Barry 229 cm

Ladies Approach No 3:  M Gibson 1215 cm

Run Down  39pts to 38 pts


Saturday, 8 April 2017 (Monthly Mug & Putting)

Men Div 1:  

Winner:  D Hollands 79/69

Runner-up:  M Clem 87/69

Men Div 2: 

Winner:  S Norris 90/69

Runner-up:  V Gibbons 96/72 ocb


Winner:  L Smith 94/74

Runner-up:  E Nelson 83/75 

Nearest to the Pins:

2) D Hollands 348cm,  L Smith 107cm

9) D Russell 660cm,  E Nelson 287cm

11) P Johnston 173cm

15) R Hunter 238cm,  J Middap 127cm,  L Smith 12cm


17) D Hollands 2nd shot,  E Nelson 94cm 3rd shot

Ball Run down to 73 nett.

Best Gross:  A Bailey 77 stroke.

Mr Putters:  D Hollands & J Young 26

Mrs Putter:  L Smith 27

D Hollands Eagle on the 17th


Bunny Run Results 2/4/17:


Winner:  W Browning 23pts

Runner Up:  P Filler 20pts

Rundown:  S Browning 19pts, R Cromarty 17pts, D Bowe 17pts


Winner:  Les Smith 20pts

Runner Up:  Jeff Hunter 19pts

Rundown:  P Jones 18pts, D Salway 17pts, R Crymer 16pts

Special thanks to Rosewood Pharmacy for sponsoring the day.


Saturday 1/4/17:

Monthly Mug Postponed due to wet weather conditions.

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